1999年11月14日 于巴黎 雪夫汉寓
by Fan Zeng
More than 40 years have slipped by since I got to know Wang Tongren. In1957, I was admitted into the Department of History of Fine Arts, CentralAcademy of Fine Arts and the year later, I switched to the Department ofChinese Painting where Wang Tongren, whom I should call a senior fellowschoolmate, was a year ahead of me. Simple and unadorned in appearance, hewas superior in heart; while he might be unassuming in character, he wasvery ardent in feeling. In short, he possessed all the necessary qualitiesof a great master. Since young, he was always honest and sincere, and nowin his old age, he continues to do those trifling, troublesome, fruitless things that have little impact on his fame or interests. Yet he never complained when I told him that life had been unfair to him, he would just laugh it off.
Wang Tongren is a talent with sensibility and able to express his feelings with a brush. In 1995, he came to Paris and visited my villa one day with a few dozen pieces of his art. I was so surprised to see his ink and wash paintings of Greek and Roman stone statues, African wooden carvings, as well as animals and birds. Even though all of his creations were on rough paper, his skill with a brush was really revealing. Being engaged in the artistic creation for as long as half a century, I had never seen any painter think or express in this way. His work might be considered absurd at first glance, but inevitably would make you feel appreciative. Finally, you cannot help but admiring. You admire his untarnished childlike innocence and his pursuit of art never for the sake of fame and benefit. I marveled at his eyes that could find the ‘‘true” and his brush that is capable of expressing the ‘‘good”. The truth and the good are inevitably beautiful and that is something Tongren would aim to portray in his art. On the contrary, he would by all means avoid any form of falsehood or anything bad in his work. His success all came from the nature of his heart.
On another occasion at his home, Wang Tongren suddenly took out a large roll of paintings to show me. The creations were too big for the small room and had to be spread out on the floor. Once more I was captivated for a long time. Using different applications of ink-thick, burned, or withered, he painted Tibetan figures, scenes of dawn or dusk, landscape of wild grassland, oxen and camels that left impressions of boundlessness,exhilaration and boldness. This reminded me of the ancient Chinese philosopher, Chuangtse, who said, ‘‘the passion of nature comes truly from the heart”.
Occasionally, Wang Tongren would capture different cultures in his work such as the blond-hair, blue-eyed foreigners or wrinkled old men with long beards. Undoubtedly, the profound and vigorous skill of his brushwork could inspire the insipid and humble the arrogant. Du Fu, the great poet in the Tang Dynasty, said, ‘‘I would rather die if I fail to get the expression of elegance.” In his effort to aim high, Tongren must be his counterpart. The lines in his paintings, as one could see, look like hooked iron bars or old rattan, as strong as cutting into silk pieces, as mighty as carrying a heavy burden. At first, you might feel that they are out of place, but you would inevitably be gin to understand, accept, and finally, be convinced of his talent and peculiar form of expression. ‘‘The wonderful music would make the mediocre person surprised”, I regarding myself to be rather knowledgeable, truly appreciate Wang Tongren’spersistent exploration and creation of his own style, confining neither to the tradition nor to the current fashion.
Wang Tongren’s artistic career is, in a sense, similar to a hurdle race.
He has to jump over one obstacle after another in pursuit of self- improvement. Until today, he does not restrict himself to a style that has become popular and well known to others. Instead, he prefers to venture where his heart prompts him to go. He keeps changing, even in his sixties,Wang Tongren can still spontaneously come up with new creative ideas.
Anyone who can drive himself in this manner must be extremely gifted and dedicated because he is not afraid of risk for the sake of art. Once he sets himself a clear goal, he does not mind to give up what normal people would enjoy or desire for. In the field of aesthetics, the true artist is one who dares to tread on upchartered territory and not someone who follows a conventional course or to appease the public opinion. This is where Wang Tongren’s aspirations and dignity lie.Heraclitus, the ancient Greek philosopher, once said, ’’One cannot cross the same river twice.” Like the water in a flowing river, imagination and creativity should move forward and never stand still. Wang Tongren detests the laziness that inundates the field of art today. There are those who repeatedly step into the same river and stay there, not daring to move forward. There are also those who step into other rivers and claim to have found something new to exaggerate themselves under false pretenses. These types of so-called artists eventually become the objects of ridicule.
Different from those, Wang Tongren often urges himself forward, realizing that ‘‘Having a sense of shame is akin to courage.” He refuses to become‘‘famous” by conforming to the prevailing popular regard of art. Based on his creation, Wang Tongren may seem to have been born with the gift of imagination. But in fact, his talent was forged through hard workand experiencing challenges in life. Diligence, coupled with a grain of talent, has contributed to the success this artist enjoys today.
He is diligent, so he is well informed; he is modest, so he loves to learn.
He seeks knowledge, so he is good at contemplating. He is sensitive and self-aware, so he can make a clear distinction of things around him. He is simple and honest, so he is persistent in his practice. All these personal characteristics broadens and enriches his creativity. He is proficient in Chinese painting and simultaneously, he is also skilled in oil painting,water colours and engraving. He is a painter, a calligrapher and a master in the art of seal carving. It is rare when one is good in one thing but extraordinary when one is skillful in many. That is Tongren, is it not a good summary of him?
In Paris, Nov. 14th, 1999
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